Can You Touch Your Toes?
It's a fact. As we age, our muscles and joints become tighter. The flexibility of our 20s gives way to stiffness in our 40s.
What's the big deal about stretching you ask? Consider this: the average adult loses 10% flexibility each decade - which can lead to all kinds of problems, from back pain to a lousy golf swing. That's why you probably feel less fluid and less coordinated performing everyday activities - like bending to tie your shoes - at age 45 than at age 25. Few people escape this reality unless they stretch.
Regular stretching lengthens the muscles and increases one's range of motion in joints. Proper stretching helps an individual maintain agility and reduces tension in the muscles.
Especially adults. As we age, we lose flexibility. The decline actually begins in our 20s. Stretching can actually reverse the aging process.
Studies show that regular stretchers in their 40s and 50s are more flexible than sedentary 30 year-olds.
The benefits of stretching are many: You'll perform better at physical activities. You'll reduce the risk of injury. You'll feel less stress, improve your posture and feel better overall. If you only do one exercise, it probably should be stretching.
The four keys to fitness include Cardio, Strength, Nutrition, and Flexiblity. Streching is without a doubt the most overlooked element to fitness. It is vital to stretch before and after every workout. True Fitness has introduced two Stretch machines that lift you off the ground and make you use gravity to your advantage. In a recent interview with Tiger Woods, he stated that he stretches his body for over an hour a day. If Tiger Woods did not stretch, he simply would not have the success that he has today
True Fitness offers both a commercial and residential stretch machine.
The innovative TrueStretch is a unique multipurpose stretching station and integrated program designed to prepare the body for improved performance by stretching the proper muscle groups in preparation for specific body movements and activities. No other system allows the user to maintain 4-point contact as they stretch in 3 different planes of motion. Only TrueStretch delivers all these benefits.
Athletic and Health Club Applications
- Functionally designed leverage system allows for hundreds of proper stretches for any sport or activity
- Provides the most effective environment for warm-up and cool-down for all forms of exercise, or provides a complete workout by itself
- Serves as the quickest, simplest and safest system to enhance overall stamina, power and coordination
- Allows for an individualized program to decrease chance of injury and to dramatically enhance performance and the feeling of well-being
Rehabilitation Applications
- Allows for hundreds of patient-specific stretching exercises in a functionally correct, upright and safe environment
- Biomechanically designed system facilitates functionally correct tissue lengthening and joint mobilization through four-point, tri-plane stretching
- Enhances stretching, strengthening and manual therapeutic techniques to effectively decrease pain and immediately improve function
- Provides the perfect system to enhance proprioception and balance while documenting consistent functional progress
Industry Applications
- Increases work efficiency by properly preparing the body for all job-related functions such as lifting, standing and keyboard or assembly activities
- Provides the perfect environment to simply and safely prevent work related musculoskeletal injuries and decreases Workers' Comp costs
- Consistently enhances individual morale, alertness and physical performance while providing each employee a convenient and safe place to stretch and feel better
- Biomechanically designed environment proven to be the most cost-effective system to satisfy prevention, ergonomic and rehabilitation needs of industry
Biomechanically Correct
Ergonomically Sound
Easy to Understand and Follow
Impossible to Use Incorrectly
Muscle Groups may be Isolated for Specific Focus
Uses the Body's Natural Upright Position
Provides for Proper Body Alignment, Safety and Stability
Personal and Flexible
A Comprehensive Total Body Experience, or just a Tweaking of Specific Muscle Groups
Facilitates Blood Flow to the Muscles, Heart and Brain
Improves Alertness and Physical Performance
Enhances Stamina, Power and Coordination
Encourages Healing of Injured or Under-Utilized Muscle Groups
Decreases Muscle Soreness, Joint Aching, Stress and Headaches
Decreases Risk of Injury
Reduces Accumulative Trauma
Produces a Relaxed, Tension-Free Body
New Products arriving for May 2011 include the NEW Cardio Strider from Inspire Fitness, New Spirit XT Series Treadmills, New Grip4orce grip devices, The Sorinex Landmine Trainer, The Human Trainer suspension device, The Rumble Roller and many more exciting products.
No Money Down, Interest Free Financing Available.